Study programs for Students who have studied PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) in their pre-university education
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1. Subject Combination:
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AHK - Arabic language, History, Kiswahili
AKF - Arabic Language, Kiswahili, french language
AKL - Arabic language, Kiswahili, English language
BAE - Biology, Agriculture, Education
BNE - Biology, Food and Human Nutrition, Education
CBA - Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture
CBE - Chemistry, Biology, Education
CBG - Chemistry, Biology, Geography
CBM - Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Mathematics
CBN - Chemistry, Biology, Food and Human Nutrition
CME - Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics, Education
coME - Computer, Advanced Mathematics, Education
ECA - Economics, Commerce, Accountancy
EGM - Economics, Geography, Advanced Mathematics
HGE - History, Geography, Economics
HGK - History, Geography, Kiswahili
HGL - History, Geography, English Language
HKL - History, Kiswahili, English Language
KLF - Kiswahili, English Language, French
KLG - Kiswahili, English language, Geography
PBE - Physics, Biology, Education
PCB - Physics, Chemistry, Biology
PCE - Physics, Chemistry, Education
PCM - Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics
PcoE - Computer, Advanced Mathematics, Education
PcoM - Physics, Computer, Advanced Mathematics
PGM - Physics, Geography, Advanced Mathematics
PME - Physics, Advanced Mathematics, Education
2. Select Fields you are interested in:
Engineering and Technology
Natural and Applied Sciences
Medicine and Health Sciences
Business and Management
Computer Science and IT
Humanities and Social Sciences
Architecture and Design